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6L x 8包 Hitachi 綠玉綠茶豆腐渣貓砂

適合: 喜歡乾淨(愛舔腳底或身體)的貓隻
好處: 1) 天然環保,不傷環境
2) 吸收力強,凝結度高
3) 凝結的部份能溶解於水(可沖入馬桶處理)
4) 砂粒設計不易黏腳
5) 無粉塵污染,方便又健康
6) 綠茶及殺菌成份,對於消除臭味及減少細菌很有效果
7) 原材料經高熱殺菌,使用時能安心及衛生
8) 日本原裝生產 使用方法:
>將產品置於容器當中, 堆起5-10mm厚
>貓咪如廁後, 將已凝結的貓砂棄入馬桶, 再補充新的貓砂

積分獲取 發表評論和評價產品,您將賺取1000 分積分

庫存狀態: 缺貨

建議售價: HK$704.00

特價 HK$544.00

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Cat sand the Okara can flow solidified as a main raw material! ● Okara main raw material, uses a high-purity Okara being used as a food ● The cat is licking their feet and body, stick to natural raw materials as much as possible, we have consideration of the impact on the post-treatment of the environment ● Because quickly decompose when placed in water, it can be processed by passing a solidified part in the toilet Please do not flush the toilet of installing a septic tank ※ Please use ● can be treated as a burning garbage. In addition, composting and re-use is also possible in the garbage processing machine for home ● less per foot of the cat so are molded into pellets ● grain itself is also not too heavy, not too light, because it has a moderate weight, less clutter and scattering, also cleaning easy ● confine the smell to harden, powerful deodorizing an unpleasant odor after toilet deodorizing component and the green tea component of naturally occurring cat ● smell and green tea component of the soap is now easier to use to suppress the smell of Okara itself ● natural materials as the main raw material, Yes to high-temperature sterilization processing, also to people you can use with confidence to cat



名稱 6L x 8包 Hitachi 綠玉綠茶豆腐渣貓砂
詳細介紹 Cat sand the Okara can flow solidified as a main raw material! ● Okara main raw material, uses a high-purity Okara being used as a food ● The cat is licking their feet and body, stick to natural raw materials as much as possible, we have consideration of the impact on the post-treatment of the environment ● Because quickly decompose when placed in water, it can be processed by passing a solidified part in the toilet Please do not flush the toilet of installing a septic tank ※ Please use ● can be treated as a burning garbage. In addition, composting and re-use is also possible in the garbage processing machine for home ● less per foot of the cat so are molded into pellets ● grain itself is also not too heavy, not too light, because it has a moderate weight, less clutter and scattering, also cleaning easy ● confine the smell to harden, powerful deodorizing an unpleasant odor after toilet deodorizing component and the green tea component of naturally occurring cat ● smell and green tea component of the soap is now easier to use to suppress the smell of Okara itself ● natural materials as the main raw material, Yes to high-temperature sterilization processing, also to people you can use with confidence to cat
簡介 適合: 喜歡乾淨(愛舔腳底或身體)的貓隻 好處: 1) 天然環保,不傷環境 2) 吸收力強,凝結度高 3) 凝結的部份能溶解於水(可沖入馬桶處理) 4) 砂粒設計不易黏腳 5) 無粉塵污染,方便又健康 6) 綠茶及殺菌成份,對於消除臭味及減少細菌很有效果 7) 原材料經高熱殺菌,使用時能安心及衛生 8) 日本原裝生產 使用方法: >將產品置於容器當中, 堆起5-10mm厚 >貓咪如廁後, 將已凝結的貓砂棄入馬桶, 再補充新的貓砂
庫存 HIT2000000001
Best sales Rank
是否平行進口 No
單位 6
量度單位 L
品牌 Hitachi
寵物年齡 幼年, 成年, 老年
寵物大小 中型, 大型, 小型
材料 豆腐渣製貓砂
大小 6L
價錢 HK$704.00







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