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(CP-092-05) 盆景貓抓玩具


尺吋 SIZE : (L x W x H)
約 外 15” x 6.5”, 內 11.5” x 5.5”
積分獲取 發表評論和評價產品,您將賺取1000 分積分

庫存狀態: 有庫存

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Introduction: 1. This section of the cat board can be used as a toy cat claws, but also to the cat when the bed to sleep Oh! 2. The surface is clean and smooth, do not worry scratches the cat 4. Each cat board comes with a packet of cat peppermint, you can sprinkle on top, lure cat to catch, so cat will not catch the furniture inside Oh Note: 1. Do not place on high-temperature, and high-temperature source to maintain a certain distance (such as heating, stoves, etc.) 2. Do not use water to clean, to avoid moisture through paper softened tile 3. Floor to flat ground, avoid put the ground is not flat 4. This product is for public use of pets, prohibiting children from climbing, so as to avoid danger Catnip: 1. Pure natural cat conditioning products 2. To help rule out the hair ball, healthy stomach, promote appetite, add dimension C, estrus decompression 3. High-grade raw materials, non-genetically modified varieties



名稱 (CP-092-05) 盆景貓抓玩具
詳細介紹 Introduction: 1. This section of the cat board can be used as a toy cat claws, but also to the cat when the bed to sleep Oh! 2. The surface is clean and smooth, do not worry scratches the cat 4. Each cat board comes with a packet of cat peppermint, you can sprinkle on top, lure cat to catch, so cat will not catch the furniture inside Oh Note: 1. Do not place on high-temperature, and high-temperature source to maintain a certain distance (such as heating, stoves, etc.) 2. Do not use water to clean, to avoid moisture through paper softened tile 3. Floor to flat ground, avoid put the ground is not flat 4. This product is for public use of pets, prohibiting children from climbing, so as to avoid danger Catnip: 1. Pure natural cat conditioning products 2. To help rule out the hair ball, healthy stomach, promote appetite, add dimension C, estrus decompression 3. High-grade raw materials, non-genetically modified varieties
簡介 瓦通紙貓抓板的好處:貓的習性,喜歡到處抓家裡的家具、沙發、枕頭、床上用品等,那麼如果讓貓來抓貓抓板,即可以讓家具免受其害,還能給貓咪樂趣,而且在貓爪板上,放一點點的貓薄荷,貓咪會更加無法抵抗貓爪板的吸引力,而且該貓爪板是用瓦通紙製做而成,不硬,這樣就不用擔心傷到貓貓的腳趾頭,也不怕貓咪吞嚥,還利於貓咪的排便。 尺吋 SIZE : (L x W x H) 約 外 15” x 6.5”, 內 11.5” x 5.5”
庫存 MIAI000000010
Best sales Rank
貨品分類 貓貓玩具
品牌 Kong
寵物年齡 幼年, 成年, 老年
寵物大小 中型, 大型, 小型
長度 38.5
高度 17
量度長度單位 cm
價錢 HK$108.00







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