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(15317 ) 100g Beaphar Toothpaste 犬用牙膏(肝味)

含兩種酵素功能分解牙垢, 預防牙齒結石
用法: 先擠一點牙膏於愛犬齒上,讓他先上產品的美味; 再擠一點牙膏牙刷上,先拆大牙和犬齒部分 ; 愛犬習慣後再一次過清潔所有牙齒.

* 最佳餐後刷牙一次
* 產品不含氟化物
* 注意切勿用人用有泡沫牙膏替愛犬刷牙因泡沫有可能傷害寵物胃部
積分獲取 發表評論和評價產品,您將賺取1000 分積分

庫存狀態: 有庫存

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Use with the special Beaphar Toothbrush for effective cleaning of your pet’s teeth.
The first time you brush your pet’s teeth, let them familiarise itself with the paste. Apply a small amount onto your finger, and let your dog/cat lick it off. Most pets will enjoy the palatable taste. Then wet the brush and apply a little bit of paste to the bristles and let your dog/cat taste it again. Gently raise the upper lip to brush a few teeth. Only brush a few canines and molars during this first treatment. Reassure your dog/cat while doing this in a gentle tone of voice. As the gums are more sensitive around the incisors, you should leave those teeth until the next brushing. Build this up until you brush all the teeth and your dog is happy with the procedure.
Make sure you always have a bowl of fresh drinking water available after brushing.
Safety: Avoid using human toothpaste in dogs/cats as it contains foaming ingredients that may irritate your dog’s/cat's stomach.
Storage: Keep at room temperature and out of reach of children.



名稱 (15317 ) 100g Beaphar Toothpaste 犬用牙膏(肝味)
詳細介紹 Use with the special Beaphar Toothbrush for effective cleaning of your pet’s teeth.
The first time you brush your pet’s teeth, let them familiarise itself with the paste. Apply a small amount onto your finger, and let your dog/cat lick it off. Most pets will enjoy the palatable taste. Then wet the brush and apply a little bit of paste to the bristles and let your dog/cat taste it again. Gently raise the upper lip to brush a few teeth. Only brush a few canines and molars during this first treatment. Reassure your dog/cat while doing this in a gentle tone of voice. As the gums are more sensitive around the incisors, you should leave those teeth until the next brushing. Build this up until you brush all the teeth and your dog is happy with the procedure.
Make sure you always have a bowl of fresh drinking water available after brushing.
Safety: Avoid using human toothpaste in dogs/cats as it contains foaming ingredients that may irritate your dog’s/cat's stomach.
Storage: Keep at room temperature and out of reach of children.
簡介 含兩種酵素功能分解牙垢, 預防牙齒結石 用法: 先擠一點牙膏於愛犬齒上,讓他先上產品的美味; 再擠一點牙膏牙刷上,先拆大牙和犬齒部分 ; 愛犬習慣後再一次過清潔所有牙齒. * 最佳餐後刷牙一次 * 產品不含氟化物 * 注意切勿用人用有泡沫牙膏替愛犬刷牙因泡沫有可能傷害寵物胃部
庫存 BEAPH00000019
出產國家 荷蘭
Best sales Rank
單位 100
量度單位 g
貨品分類 狗狗衞生用品
品牌 Beaphar
寵物年齡 幼年, 成年, 老年
寵物大小 中型, 大型, 小型
價錢 HK$60.00







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